
for Living



Below you can find links to some of the services and companies we work with. Feel free to browse their sites and if you find anything which interests you or if you have any questions, give us a call; we’re always happy to hear from our clients.



HIPAA Privacy Authorization Form.pdf

Food Record

How to Prepare for Your Metabolism Measurement.pdf

Articles:   Coming soon

Case Studies:

Case Study # 1

The mother of a 16 year old female athlete called stating that her daughter was having difficulty with POTS ( Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) , and all the testing had not produced any answers.  She had seen a neurologist, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, and gynecologist.  No one could find why she would have severe abdominal pain that would cause her to faint.  The gynecologist knew Nutrition for Living, because she had delivered my babies more than 20 years ago!  The Doc said to the mother—“Maybe its what she’s eating, and here is a dietitian you can talk to…”

J.B,   was a normal weight healthy young gal.  I began by a taking detailed diet history   She had Greek yogurt and granola for breakfast, and salad with chicken and an apple at lunch with a high fiber bar.  She would have another fiber bar after school and during track practice.  Her pains would start in the afternoon and interrupt her practice.

I had just returned from a conference on IBS and the low FODMAPS diet.  We had learned that chicory root, or inulin that is used in high fiber bars can cause bloating and gas and digestive disruption in some people.  My client J.B., was eating mostly fermentable carbohydrates and aggravating her system with 2-3 fiber bars.

We reviewed the FODMAPS elimination diet and she felt better within days!  We slowly introduced her favorite foods and found that the use of the fiber bars in excess were really the problem!

Case Study # 2

M. P  is a 63 year old executive with “metabolic syndrome”—cholesterol 245, LDL 134, hypertension and A1c  of 7.3.  He was motivated to call because his doctor told him he had diabetes and wanted to start medication.  He was also considered obese, with a BMI of 33.7 ( obese) ht  5’10”  wt 235 lbs..  Waist circumference was 42 inches.

I started with a diet and exercise history.  He began the day with bagel with cream cheese and coffee with sugar and cream.  He either skipped lunch or had a business man’s burger and fries lunch with soda. .  His wife cooked a balanced meal, but he admitted large servings and seconds.  Lately,  they were eating out more since the kids were out of the house.   He enjoyed wine or beer almost daily, and often a dish of ice cream in the evening. He had gotten away from exercise when he strained his lower back.   He knew his eating was not healthy, but needed some direction and ideas.

I designed a low saturated fat, controlled carbohydrate, portion -controlled meal plan with lean protein, more fruits and vegetables and less sodium.  He used this as a guide to make food decisions.  Once I taught him how to use his phone to track his food intake and see his calorie excesses, he started losing weight, and increasing his steps.  We looked at his macronutrient balance as well sodium and saturated fat intake.  We were able to bring his carbohydrate intake into control so his blood glucose levels improved.

Within  four months, his weight was down 30 lbs, his labs were repeated and showed improvement in lipids ( chol 202,LDL 100)  and A1c of 6.5.  His endocrinologist was impressed with his progress!


I thought as a marathon runner I'd be able to eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight; but I as a peri-menopausal woman, I gained 40 lbs. despite the hours of training. Maureen Boccella helped me reconfigure my daily food intake and introduced me to the My Fitness Pal app. Through this I was able to shed 27lbs in 7 1/2 months, make healthy food choices on a daily basis, and ultimately have faster race times.

LK 2015

August 2014                                    March 2015

“I tried unsuccessfully  for years to lose weight, but as soon as I started my appointments at ‘Nutrition for Living’ I gained the knowledge that I needed to eat the right foods and keep track of my diet so that I could lose weight.  I immediately had success losing weight, and in only 3 months I have lost over 20 pounds.  I would recommend ‘Nutrition for Living’ to anyone.” 

 R M, 2015

"Finally thanks to Sharon’s suggestions and support with Low FODMAP diet plan and recommended books, I now know the "why" behind the "what" of my food intolerances"

  1. K.S., Chester Springs, PA 2015

“I have suffered with IBS-D for nearly 30 years and this is the first time anything has ever helped. The process does take a couple of months to go through, but it has certainly been well worth it to me! I just can't say enough about it!”

E. B. 2015